In-Building DAS

Public Safety Distributed Antenna System (DAS)

In-Building Public Safety Distributed Antenna System (DAS) or Emergency Radio Communications Enhancement System (ERCES)

Is your facility compliant with the local Authority Having Jurisdictions (AHJ) Public Safety / ERCES requirements? In emergencies, every second counts, and any lost communication is critical. Velocity Telecom In-Building Public Safety DAS solutions addresses this by mitigating lost time and ensuring essential communications. Our expertise lies in providing NFPA-compliant, local jurisdiction compliant, dependable, enhanced radio coverage throughout your facility to meet the NFPA and local code requirements. Our systems excel at delivering clear communications for first responders and citizens through expertly designed and precisely installed DAS systems. Velocity Telecom Public Safety DAS advantage:

  • iBwave certified engineers
  • Technical staff for public safety radio system design, planning, installation, commissioning, testing and maintenance.
  • Benchmark Testing
  • Over 50 years of combined experience in telecom.

Public Safety DAS Installation Head-End

Public Safety DAS Heat-Maps

Velocity Telecom offers both CapEx and OpEx model to fund your public safety distributed antenna system (DAS) projects. Contact one of our sales representatives today to discuss your option.


  • New Construction
  • Commercial Real Estate
  • Federal, State & Local Governments
  • Healthcare
  • Public and Private School Systems
  • Higher Education
  • Apartments, Offices & Warehouses and Others.

Cellular Distributed Antenna System (DAS)

Neutral-Host Distributed Antenna System (N-DAS)

Do your tenants, guests, and visitors enjoy excellent cellular signal coverage and performance within your facilities? Intelligent cellular coverage and performance have become essential amenities in commercial real estate, enterprise, education, healthcare, transportation, government and others. Citizens now demand superb cellular voice and data experiences everywhere they go. Our Cellular DAS solutions ensure that your facilities exceed these expectations. Velocity Telecom Neutral-Host DAS advantage:

  • Turnkey DAS: Pre-Coverage Testing, DAS Design, Installation, Commissioning, Final Coverage Testing & Carrier/Customer Acceptance Testing.
  • Intelligently tailored high performance DAS network that meets the build objective.
  • Supports all major carriers for LTE & 5G Network: AT&T, Verizon & T-Mobile.
  • CBRS & Private LTE Supported
  • All aspects of deployment and carrier coordination are handled with care and professionalism.
  • Monitored, maintained, and optimized, and evolved over time with our DAS maintenance package.

In-Building DAS 3D Model Showing Heat-Maps

Velocity Telecom offers both CapEx and OpEx model to fund your neutral host distributed antenna system (DAS). Contact one of our sales representatives today to discuss your options.


  • New Construction
  • Commercial Real Estate
  • Federal, State & Local Governments
  • Healthcare
  • Public and Private School Systems
  • Higher Education
  • Apartments, Offices, Warehouses & Others.